What are the Essentials of Legal Metrology Registration?

Legal metrology came into existence to protect the consumer and their interest of the consumers so that they have faith in the product before buying the same. Relying on goods and services these days is not easy because of fraudulent practices adopted by sellers to cheat people. Legal metrology takes care of goods from stage one that is manufacturing, import, business, monitoring and balances of the product. 

Why Legal Metrology Consultants?

Legal metrology consultants usually aid producers and trades while dealing with goods by analyzing the weight of goods imported and measuring the devices and instrument to get the authentication to set up a company in India and to sell its products. Legal metrology is governed under several acts, like the Consumer Protection Act and is protected by Food and Public Distribution Wing of the Government of India.

Legal Metrology Consultants

Legal Metrology Registration Process

Registration of Companies

  • While setting up a company in India it is most essential to register your company under Legal metrology whether a company is manufacturing, importing, packaging. 
  • Without proper licensing and approvals a company cannot sell its goods across India. Thereby it is mandatory to register a company under legal Metrology online portal
  • Each state and union territory has its portal where one can get its Company registered to sell goods.
  • Where an online filing is not possible there come legal metrology consultants which can guide you in the registration process. 

Registration of Importers

  • While importing goods to India it is necessary to check and measure goods, instruments while commencing business in India.
  • One must be a registered business to run a business in India and to deal with other Companies.
  • Certificate of Registration from Legal metrology is compulsory for importing weights and measures. 
  • Application for registration of weights and measures shall be filled with the concerned department after filling the desired forms as mentioned.
  • Legal metrology consultants provide assistance in obtaining licensing and approvals from various departments. 

Registration of Manufacturer, Importer, and Packers

  • Strict rules and regulations have been imposed by consumer affairs department for labeling the goods.
  • Manufacturers, Importers, and packers must practice strict rules while getting themselves registered with the Department of Consumer affairs for Weighing and measuring instruments.
  • Measuring instruments are labeled in India to be compliant with the latest laws and as directed under the legal metrology Act.
  • If no registration is obtained then heavy penalties are imposed on manufacturers, importers, and packers. 


Licenses shall be obtained from the specified department to run the business swiftly, if there is no registration or certificate then a company can be imposed with fine and penalty. Government of India has devised various centers through which registration can be done. Consultants like ASC Group helps clients with the filing of the application and obtaining the desired certification.

Every product that is categorized under Legal Metrology shall be labeled so that it can be sold in the market and can be made available for commercial use. Only those goods which are certified and registered shall be permitted to be sold out in the markets of India. There are specified rules which are to be adopted while registering as manufacturer, packer or importer.


  1. Registration of a company as a manufacturer, importer or packer of weighing and measuring instruments and devices needs to be done under Legal Metrology

  2. legal metrology is defined as the study of units of weighing and measuring, weighing and measuring methods, and weighing and measuring instruments. The objective of these technical and legal requirements is to provide a public guarantee regarding accuracy and security of weighments and measurements from the viewpoint of security and accuracy. legal metrology online services


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